58.mo cork film festival

edizione 2013


Cork 09  / 17 novembre 2013




di Darren HALL

Cork Shorts
The Greenroom (Dir. Bríd Corcoran, 2013). An inside look at how the church of Glenstal Abbey is run. For those who think that premise sounds uninteresting, this will do nothing to convince them otherwise.
Mnemosyne Lay in Dust (Dir. Stephen Bean, 2013). An intriguing and visually creative examination of Austin Clarkes poem ‘Mnemosyne Lay in Dust’, and the events in his life that inspired it.
Things I’ve Learnt from Clichés (Dir. John Horan, 2012). The film consists of a series of short conversations that offer glimpses into the lives of a group of twentysomethings. Despite a decent effort from the cast the film falls flat due to its weak dialogue.
Torn (Dir. Niall Owens, 2013). A well written and strongly acted drama about a secret that threatens to tear apart a family.
Atrophy (Dir. Mairtín de Barra, 2013). An engaging and melancholy film about an elderly farmers inability to cope when a motorway is built near his land.
Outside the Box (Dir. Brian O’Glanby, 2013). A witty comedy about an actress whose audition piece becomes increasingly bizarre. Irene Kellehers sharp script and strong lead performance make this a very entertaining and funny film.
The Punk Syndrome (Dir. Jukka Karkkainen, Jani-Petteri Passi, 2012) .‘Pertti Kurikan’s Name Day’, a punk band consisting of four members with mental disabilities, is the subject of Jukka Karkkainen and Jani-Petteri Passi’s documentary, ‘The Punk Syndrome’. The film follows the four members of the band, Pertti, Sami, Toni and Kari, as they attempt to cope with relationships both in and out of the band as their popularity increases. The film employs a cinema-vérité style which works very well for the most part. The band members often say exactly what they’re thinking which makes the film by turns funny, uncomfortable, and at times incredibly sad. However, the absence of narration and only a couple of interviews means that the audience is given little context for the events portrayed. Overall, ‘The Punk Syndrome’ is an affecting yet admirably unsentimental look at a fascinating band.
Forbidden Voices (Dir. Barbara Miller, 2012). "Forbidden Voices" documents the struggles of three bloggers as they try to speak out against the oppressive regimes under which they live. The film portrays the personal journey undertaken by Yoani Sánchez, Zeng Jinyan and Farnaz Seifi to have their voices heard despite government censorship and ostracisation. In the face of overwhelming opposition from the Iranian, Chinese and Cuban regimes, all three women remain determined for their voices to be heard. Director Barbara Miller does an excellent job of exploring the toll that their activism has taken on their personal lives and safety, as well as examining the role of bloggers in political activism on a global scale. Forbidden Voices is an enlightening and timely reminder about how hard many people have to fight for their basic human rights. Rights that many in the West take for granted.

Irish Shorts
El Toro (Dir. Tomás Seoige, 2012). A comedy about the attempts of a bullied schoolboy to face his fears through a confrontation with his fathers bull. Despite the potentially interesting premise, the end result is decidedly underwhelming.
Kindred (Dir. Stevie Russell, 2013). The tale of a teenage girl who takes her brother out on a trip to protect him from the shocking discovery she has just made at home. Engaging and beautifully shot.
Hannah Cohen’s Holy Communion (Dir. Shimmy Marcus, 2012). A young Jewish girl attempts to have her holy communion. Lucy Sky Dunne’s lively performance as Hannah is the highlight of this charming comedy.
Echo (Dir. Ela Gas, 2012). A decent but heavy-handed drama about an adolescent girl who struggles to come to terms with the concept of growing old.
Do Not Enter (Dir. Martin O’Donoghue, 2013). This absorbing documentary consists of an interview with Terry Trinder, a young man who reckons he’s seen nine dead bodies in his lifetime. He talks candidly of his experiences and how his love of motorcycles has helped him cope.
Volkswagen Joe (Dir. Brian Deane, 2013). Set in Northern Ireland in the early eighties, this drama tells the story of a mechanic who finds himself unable to avoid getting dragged into the conflict. Stuart Graham puts in a very solid performance as the title character in this tense and moving take on the Troubles.



cork film festival

09 / 17 novembre 2013