gesti di teatro necessario

Venezia, Fondamenta Nuove, 28 novembre 2009






- Teatro Fondamenta Nuove

- Pathosformel

The Shyness of the Bones

Pathosformel, born in Venice, are a group that experiment with and reconsider the elements that make up a performance through body and images, space and materials. In their work ‘The Shyness of the Bones’, it is the particular element of the dancers’ visibility to the audience that has been reconsidered and the absence of a material medium. Reflecting upon this theatrical essence, Pathosformel have explored the possibilities of the role such a medium could play.
On the stage, the only thing visible to the audience is a bare, vertical, white sheet. Initially, this material is punctuated with hurried, urgent stabs; however the cause of these movements is disguised from those on the other side. Slowly, a skeletal, human form comes into focus before disappearing back into the unknown. Throughout the performance, parts of the bodies emerge and remerge through the sheet, allowing those on the other side a glimpse of the possibilities of their appearance. In an interview about the intention and reason behind the medium Pathosformel responded ‘It is not so much about seeing the body but investigating it, reading it and reconstructing it, showing it in a different manner’. The choice of material does not deny the body its appearance, but its obviousness to those watching. The writhing movements and shapes are therefore left to interpretation. The sheet gives the forms violence, sexuality, intensity or at times a tranquillity which is unclear. The audience becomes almost a surgeon watching an image emerge on a scanner or an archaeologist uncovering through the dust a forgotten form. The white sheet and the momentary shapes that appear upon it require the audience to search and discover for what is being portrayed.
Although at times the movements seem random and lack structure, the ‘Shyness of the Bones’, through the presence of a material medium has explored a new kind of relationship between audience and performer. It is when the dancers step out from behind the sheet to take a bow that this can be fully appreciated as we are made aware that the white sheet strips the skin from the dancers and gives an awareness of the anatomical make-up of the bodies. The uncoiling of the spine or the undulating movements of the pelvic bone exhibits the bodies’ contours and exposes the dancers in rawness unique to the performance.


gesti di teatro necessario


Venezia, Fondamenta Nuove, 28 novembre 2009